At Mad Genius, we like to say there’s no such thing as a dumb question, only interesting queries worthy of an answer or at the very least a cordial “bless your heart.” We understand that, for the uninitiated, wrapping your head around web development can be overwhelming. That’s why we’re frequently asked the difference between a website, a web app, and a mobile app. Well, bless your heart because in this blog, Mad Genius knows best. Let’s get into the web-development weeds.

Are You Asking the Right Question?

We can arrive at the right question if we trim some of the fat. A web app and a mobile app have become more and more similar over the years. There are plenty of tools out there that allow them to basically function the same, save one works on the computer in your pocket and the other works on the computer on your desk. Also, in the context of Mad Genius, if you’re asking about a website, you’re probably talking about a marketing website. So the better question is “what is the difference between a marketing website and a web/mobile app?”

To help us differentiate between these two, think of a site like Facebook (or Meta). If you’re unfamiliar, just ask your aunt. Facebook is, of course, a website. You can type into the address bar, or click on a link from a search engine to get there. But it is also an app. You can download it to your phone or computer. While they’re all Facebook, the website and the app provide different user experiences and have different goals. You won’t find any marketing landing pages on the app.

The 4-1-1 on a Marketing Website

A Marketing Website Is…

All about the content because the core idea of a marketing website is in the namesake: marketing. Think about a marketing website as your brand’s storefront, which always has a much wider funnel because a marketing website has two primary goals. Firstly, to get new customers, and secondly, to drive the user to something specific. “Visit this place.” “Make this call.” “Buy this widget.” You get it. 

Options, on Options, on Options

A marketing website can be built with a wide range of tools. Page builders like Squarespace/Wix, custom CMS solutions like WordPress/Craft, or completely custom from the group up. (Not to brag, but Mad Genius is pretty handy with all these tools to build your marketing website.) This diversity in building tools means the size and prices of marketing websites can vary. 

The Rundown on Web/Mobile Apps

A Web/Mobile App Is…

A website, but a website is not a web app. Like how all thumbs are fingers, but not all fingers are thumbs. I know your mind is blown, but stay with us. While your marketing website is selling your product, a web app is the product. A web app is login-based and has user-specific content. Moreover, a web app is a tool that connects a business to a user. 

Ins and Outs of a Web App

A web app is about trying to make it easier for your existing customers to interact with your business. Remember that wide part of the funnel that is a marketing website? Sure, you do. It was just a few paragraphs ago. Anyway, a web app is the end of that funnel. A web app puts the right thing in front of those customers and helps its users do what they need. Unlike a marketing website, a web app is always custom-built, which means the cost to build is typically going to be a bit pricey. 

Which Is Right for You?

Now that you know the differences between a marketing website and a web/mobile app, it’s up to you to determine which one works best for your business. There are some factors to consider, including things like your target audience, budget, and the functionality you need from both your potential website and web app. After careful consideration, you might find that you’re like an overachieving parent/partner/CEO/youth sports coach, and you want to have it all. Plenty of businesses have both a marketing website and a web/mobile app. 

We’re sure you still have a few questions, and that’s perfectly fine because we have geniuses standing by to answer them. Fill out the contact form below and let us know how we can help.