Healthcare marketing. If you’re in the game, you know effective promotion of your brand involves walking a couple of tightropes. Tightrope one (and we won’t sugarcoat it): your company makes money when people are sick. For the average consumer, this can sound a lot like misery = money. Not a good look. Tightrope two: your audience doesn’t love thinking about the inevitability of sickness and death. This means your marketing runs the risk of losing them the moment it delves into the uncomfortable realities that make healthcare a necessity for us all. 

So, what can we do? Lean into narrative. By tapping into humanity’s innate love of stories, healthcare brands can create compelling and memorable experiences that resonate deeply with their audience. Stories of sickness and recovery, of lives broken and made whole again. Stories of caring men and women who have devoted their lives to helping those in need. Narrative is the answer, and in this blog, we will explore how it can be harnessed to foster meaningful connections with patients and customers. 

Healthcare Branding Relies on Narrative, Giving Potential Patients Views into the Brand’s Triumphs

Companies always say trust is everything, but this is especially true for healthcare brands. Patients want to know they’re in the hands of caring professionals—not in the clutches of money-grubbing vultures. With narrative storytelling, you can shed the corporate façade and the audience’s preconceived notions by showing the human side of your organization. By sharing stories of real patients, healthcare providers, and the transformative impact of their services, brands can demonstrate authenticity, foster trust, and build long-lasting relationships. 

That’s all fine and good, of course, but how does narrative help your brand sidestep the audience’s reluctance to think about sickness and death? Because your narratives won’t be about those things. They’ll be about people, about families, triumphs of recovery, the unwavering commitment of healthcare providers. When you package your healthcare brand’s services within stories your audience identifies with, you transport the audience into the protagonist’s shoes. You create empathy and emotional engagement. This engagement is crucial for your healthcare brand, as it allows you to communicate your values, mission, and dedication to patient care in a way that connects on a deeper level. 

Testimonials Can Be an Effective Tool, But Usually Don’t Achieve the Same Effect as More Nuanced Stories 

What about testimonials? Don’t they show the human side? Don’t they create opportunities for the audience to identify and empathize? To a degree. While traditional testimonial videos have been a staple in healthcare marketing, they often fall short in creating a lasting impact. Testimonials may provide essential information, but they often lack the emotional depth that more nuanced stories can offer. When they focus on facts and figures, testimonials miss the opportunity to connect with the audience on a personal and emotional level. The key is narrative: a story with a beginning, middle, and end, with a protagonist, a conflict, and a resolution. 

The beauty of storytelling—and what some testimonials struggle to offer—is its ability to surprise and captivate. By introducing unexpected twists, heartwarming moments, or inspiring journeys, healthcare brands can leave a lasting impression on their audience. Such stories are not easily forgotten, and they can create a powerful association with the brand’s identity. 

Giving Memorial Hospital an Edge Over the Competition

Creating a powerful brand association is precisely what Mad Genius did for Memorial Hospital. By utilizing imagery of the triumphs of their patients, we helped Memorial appeal to the emotional sensibilities of their potential consumers.

This 60-second ad spot juxtaposes the care that Memorial provides patients with the lives they’re able to enjoy because of that care. First, you see a man struggling to walk while in physical therapy. Then you see him running, outside the hospital and back to his normal routine. You see a pregnant woman being escorted to the delivery room. Then you see parents fawning over their newborn after a safe and successful delivery.

We depict the quality of life that Memorial can help them have, which is what they care most about at the end of the day. By crafting engaging narratives, Mad Genius gave Memorial Hospital an edge over the competition. 

Discovering What Makes a Story Emotionally Compelling is Essential for Creating Narrative Healthcare Videos

Crafting narrative healthcare videos requires thoughtfulness and planning. Here are some essential steps to consider: 

  • Unearth Authentic Stories: Identify genuine patient and caregiver experiences that align with your brand’s values and vision. 
  • Build Engaging Narratives: Develop a storyline that follows the classic storytelling structure – introducing a protagonist, their challenges, and how your brand made a difference. 
  • Invoke Emotions: Appeal to your audience’s emotions and create a connection that goes beyond rational considerations. 
  • Stay True to Your Brand: Ensure that the story aligns with your brand’s identity and values, showcasing what makes your organization special. 
  • Professional Production: Invest in high-quality video production to convey professionalism and credibility. 
  • Share and Engage: Distribute your narrative videos across various platforms to reach a broader audience and encourage interaction. 

Narrative storytelling is the secret weapon for healthcare brands to create a lasting impact and meaningful connections with their audience. By sharing authentic stories of compassion, resilience, and recovery, healthcare brands can build trust, inspire action, and stand out in a competitive landscape. With Mad Genius at your side, you can embrace the power of narrative storytelling, and let your healthcare brand shine through the magic of a well-told tale. 

Reach out today to schedule a free consultation with an experienced cinematic storyteller about the benefits of narrative storytelling.