Google Cannot Find What It Cannot See

The rise of cookie-cutter website templates has an unintended effect: the Internet is now lousy with well-meaning websites for small businesses that are visually adequate but have very little, if any, content. These business owners are foregoing customized sites, utilizing a “less is more” approach for their web presence. This is great if the intention is to have a beautiful, easy-to-navigate site that absolutely nobody can find. You see, the majority of these dime-a-dozen minimalist websites are not performing well in search engines.

We get it. Everyone is trying to avoid being verbose, boring users, and junking up our website with unnecessary copy. And yes, it is easy to become a windbag web presence. At a certain point, a reduction of content comes at the cost of being functional. 

When is simple too simple? To answer this, think about website content from a user’s perspective.

Hypothetical Website Example: MedSpa

Let’s consider a hypothetical medical spa that is not based on one we were just looking at online. We’ll call it MedSpa. MedSpa offers a comprehensive menu of services. Seriously, they do it all. We’re talking liposuction. We’re talking microblading. We’re talking about the stuff they inject into your double chin that dissolves fat (it’s called Kybella). MedSpa is a magical land where Botox is just one of the many injectables you can choose from. It’s a veritable cosmetic smorgasbord. 

MedSpa’s website, however, doesn’t properly convey the actual breadth of services to the site’s visitors. The owner is preoccupied with keeping the site’s interface as tranquil as the physical interior of their chic clinic space. In order to avoid a “crowded” interface, the owner’s solution is to use a single, short headline and attach a PDF of the physical menu brochure that clients are offered at the front desk.

That single, short PDF headline? “Medical Spa Offering Dermal Fillers, Laser Hair Removal, and Much More.”

The “and Much More” is doing the heavy lifting. There are probably 30 products and services contained within the phrase, and it’s detrimental to the MedSpa’s organic search results. When a user types “Kybella near me” into a search engine, this MedSpa will not be in the search results, no matter how pretty the PDF is.

When is simple too simple?

Guess who will likely appear in the search results? Competing medical spas with prominent Kybella content. Competitor websites may have dedicated Kybella pages offering treatment information, before & after photos, patient reviews, and easy ways to schedule an appointment or consultation. 

Mad Genius is pained to think of all the abstract double chins that this definitely-not-real MedSpa theoretically missed out on.

The Mad Genius Content Approach

Now that we’ve raked the bad MedSpa website over the coals, we have some good news: Mad Genius has and continues to make websites that are both beautiful and full of relevant content. That’s right, you don’t have to sacrifice ease of use for content, nor minimalist design for SEO. You can have it all. The designers, developers, and writers in Mad Genius’s Design Den perform this dance each and every day.

We make it a point of pride to work closely with our clients to optimize, revise, and create content that supports the goals of their website and properly serves its users. It’s literally our job. And we love it.

Is Your Website…Bad?

So, at any point while reading this, did you think to yourself, “am I the MedSpa?” 

The answer is “Maybe.” 

Listen, admitting that your website is maybe not as awesome as it could be is a first step on the journey to greatness. The second step is to contact us. We’ll take a look, keep a straight face, and give you some options to move forward.

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