Which Style of Staff Photography Is Right for Your Company?

Oh, staff photography! How often have we gathered at company parties to laugh at you? The thousand-miles stares and awkward smiles. The painfully dated hairdos. The lipstick-flecked teeth. And remember that one guy with the bowl cut and the stalker grin? Yeah, the one Barb in Human Resources had a “chat” with. What a mess! 

At Mad Genius, we regret to inform you that there’s no way around staff photography. It’s an important part of your legal firm’s web presence. But, we’re here to help you make the most of it, and in this blog, we’ll provide the info you need to make the process as painless—and impactful—as possible.

Staff Photography Showcases Your Company’s Employees in a Way That’s Visually Engaging on a Website

It’s no secret that we live in a visually driven world. Your brand identity is, foremost, shaped by what people see when they visit your website. This means any photography on your site must reflect your professionalism by being, well, professional. It’s not just the quality of the photography that matters, it’s the mood, the character, the vibe (yes, we said vibe) those photos convey about who you are as a legal firm. Taken together, these things play a significant role in shaping your firm’s brand identity. 

Staff photography, in particular, offers an opportunity to showcase the people behind the business, reinforcing their authenticity, their humanity, and their expertise. Done right, this helps establish a connection with clients and customers. With so much at stake, choosing the right style of staff photography requires careful consideration of your brand, industry, and target audience. 

Understanding Your Brand: The Foundation of Choosing Staff Photography

Before investigating different photography styles, it’s important to reflect on your brand and core values. Who are you as a legal firm? What is the presiding spirit within your walls? Buttoned-up and professional? Relaxed but hardworking? Tank tops every day? Playful but committed crusaders for justice? Staff photography should align with your brand identity and convey that spirit to your target audience. 

How to Assess Your Brand Identity for Optimal Visual Representation

The best way to assess your existing brand identity is to revisit the branding elements currently on your site and other marketing materials. Your logo, color palette, typography, and overall design style can offer insights into the visual direction your staff photography should take. A clean and minimalist brand will likely pair well with staff photography that uses simple backgrounds and focuses on individuals. A more vibrant brand will do better to embrace bold and creative compositions that tell a story about each employee. 

Multiple Approaches

When we get down to the nitty-gritty, staff photography comes in two flavors: traditional and portraiture. Traditional staff photography—formal poses, neutral backgrounds, and polished appearances—is widely used in the legal and financial sectors. This style conveys professionalism, competence, and reliability, which is never a bad thing in the legal field. If this is how you view your firm – as a reliable helping hand that’s built a lot of trust with the community – then traditional photography might be the best way to visually communicate that.

Alternatively, you might want a more contemporary and creative approach. You may want to explore unique compositions, candid moments, and unconventional backdrops. Such creativity can enhance the visual appeal and differentiate your company from competitors, especially if your brand identity is youthful, dynamic, or unconventional. 

Case Studies: A Tale of Two Firms 


CPA firm HRK came to Mad Genius looking to modernize their web presence. While they offered top-tier accounting services, their website was dated and, crucially, their staff photography did not feature a consistent style. Wanting the professionalism of their site to match that of their services, they requested all new staff photography.

But there was a problem. HRK has an office in Washington, D.C., and it didn’t make sense to fly our photographer out to take the shots. At Mad Genius, we know consistency is a crucial element of a polished online presence. Unwilling to let HRK’s website suffer, we created a style guide detailing the exact parameters we used for their local staff photos. They hired a photographer in D.C., and thanks to our guide, their staff photos presented a polished—and consistent— team to their clients. 

Wise Carter

The legal firm Wise Carter came to Mad Genius for a total rebranding. While their previous online presence featured the kind of formal, polished professionalism HRK desired, Wise Carter’s brand identity had changed over the years, and they were ready for a more modern, personal approach.

After interviewing each Wise Carter team member to learn about their unique personalities, Mad Genius collaborated with them to determine the best backgrounds, poses, and items to include in each portrait. The results were just what Wise Carter hoped for: a unified tone of easy-going professionalism that also showcased each team member’s unique personality. 

Choosing the right style of staff photography is crucial for any company, especially in the legal sector. By understanding your brand and its core values, assessing your brand identity, and considering traditional and non-traditional approaches, you can select a photography style that effectively represents your company’s professionalism, authenticity, and desired brand image. Remember, staff photography is not only about showcasing your employees; it is an opportunity to communicate your brand story and connect with your audience on a deeper level.