Andrew Long
01 Compendiary
The Mississippi
Whispers secrets to the land
Creating flows on

Born and raised in Greenwood, Mississippi. I’ve always been passionate about technology and music, which pretty much explains my journey. Downloading mixtapes from and, then adding to my iPod Classic was routine growing up. It brought me excitement to find new music and artists to take back to school to show friends. The mixtape era of hip-hop shaped my ears. In my early 20s, I played in a few bands, directed music videos, and produced music with artists from Atlanta, Memphis, Jackson and more. Now I code and build websites, while still dabbling in music from time to time. Life’s a circle sometimes, and I’m blessed to live it.
02 Questions for Andrew
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03 Answers from Andrew
02 Q&A with Andrew
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Andrew is currently getting back into running and weightlifting.