Shhh! Do you hear that?
Is that the jingling of bells?
The pitter-patter of reindeer hooves on the roof?
No! It’s the sound of our new cookbook, “Eat Like a Genius,” smashing through your window to save Christmas.
Our gift to you is the gift of recipe favorites that you get to enjoy with your family throughout the holiday season—or whenever, really. Everyone knows the most stressful part of the holidays is dealing with your family, but a close second is cooking for a large group of people. We made it easy with dishes that everyone will love. Probably.
This tome of nearly 60 recipes was curated by our staff of advertising professionals. These are childhood favorites and family traditions, accompanied by professional photography and detailed designs.
If Mad Genius knows one thing, it’s advertising creative production websites cooking. And now you get to enjoy all of our favorites. Peruse appetizers, sides, main courses, desserts, and even some (mostly alcoholic) beverages, at your leisure to plan the perfect Christmas cuisine. Or enjoy them any time of the year because it’s food, and food is good anytime.
Ours is the gift that keeps on feeding.
Flip through “Eat Like a Genius” below, or click the save icon to download it forever and ever.
Thank you to all our wonderful clients and partners. We couldn’t keep this ruckus going without you.