In the tangled world of web development, those in-the-know have wrestled with the same Hamlet-esque question since the dawn of the internet: to WordPress or not to WordPress? If your business needs a new website, or perhaps a refresh to your existing website, you’ve got some options. No need to be dramatic because in this blog, we will help you figure it out. 

Still Wondering What WordPress Is?

Before we get into the “when,” let’s settle the “what”—the (mostly) technobabble-free version.

WordPress is a web content management system (CMS) that’s as customizable as you want it to be. It’s a platform that creates a way for owners to interact with their website with limited web development knowledge. 

When Should You Use WordPress?

The answer to that question is, honestly, most of the time. WordPress is the planet’s go-to platform for website building for good reason. Whether you’re looking to build a marketing site, hosting blogs, or pretty much anything else, WordPress’s suite of options and plugins make it ideal for most situations. 

Developers could, in theory, find a pre-made template on WordPress, slap their logo and brand font on a few pages and call it day. WordPress’s functionality and flexibility make that possible. The bottom-line is this: there aren’t many times when WordPress is not a viable solution for your website needs.

When Not to WordPress 

There are a few reasons when you shouldn’t go with WordPress, but they’re pretty specific and won’t apply to most folks looking to build a website.

When You Need Something Less WordPress

Sometimes the bells and whistles of WordPress are beyond your needs. That’s when something like Squarespace is a perfectly reasonable option. Squarespace is more user-friendly, with some easy to understand drag-and-drop features and plenty of pre-made templates. 

If you’ve got some budget concerns, page builder apps like Squarespace are a cost-effective option as well. You’re able to create custom templates, which can streamline the process, even if you’re not particularly knowledgeable about websites.

When Nothing on Your Website Is Changing

Times might be changing, but if your website isn’t, then WordPress might not be for you. For special events or limited-time-only products, where dates, prices or other elements of your website aren’t changing, a smaller scale custom website is often more effective than one built on WordPress.

If You’re Building an App/Platform With a Different Database

WordPress can do a lot, but not app-building or a complex e-commerce store. Web app frameworks like Laravel are great for that. If you’re making an app or large e-commerce store, but have a particular affinity for WordPress, fear not; the two can be integrated. That way, you can use WordPress on the back end, and Laravel on the front end.

Don’t get us wrong, some smaller e-commerce websites are built via WordPress, but when you’re talking about thousands of different SKUs, it’s time to start thinking about calling in the cavalry.

When Most of Your Content Is Already on a Different Content Management System

Sometimes clients come to Mad Genius with a ton of content on a different CMS and if there are worries about budget and/or timeframe, it makes sense for Mad Genius to build on top that existing content.

If you want to build a website on WordPress, Squarespace, or make something as wholly unique as you and your business, we can do. At Mad Genius, we’ve got a team of talented and dedicated web developers capable of taking your website to bold new heights. Fill out the contact form below and let us know what works best for you.